

  • in order to facilitate the recruitment process on their behalf, I-Jobs UG may (without requiring any prior written permission or consent of the candidate), forward their contact and other details to employer(s)/recruiter(s), as deemed necessary ;and/or
  • notwithstanding and in addition to the verification of the employer(s) by I-Jobs UG, the Candidate(s) shall be obliged and be solely and exclusively responsible to ascertain and determine the genuineness of the employer; and/or
  • although I-Jobs UG has taken reasonable measures, it shall not, under any circumstances whatsoever, be responsible and/or be liable for any acts and/or omissions, representations, warranties, statements, data and/or information of any employer(s) listed on the I-Jobs UG website; and that for any/all of the above, the Candidate(s) agree to hold and save harmless, I-Jobs UG and indemnify them against all costs, expenses, losses and/or damages (whether foreseeable or not).


  • they shall treat all data of the Candidate(s) as ‘confidential’ and shall not use the database of Candidates’ profiles for any other purpose EXCEPT to search for and/or find Candidates to fulfill the specific job needs/opportunities; provided further that they shall use their best endeavors commensurate with the best market / industrial practices to protect and keep confidential, all information and/or data of the Candidates in their possession; and/or
  • I-Jobs UG shall not be held responsible and/or liable in any manner whatsoever for any of acts and/or omissions, representations, warranties, statements, conduct, character or performance of the referred/hired Candidate(s) during the interview or employment period; and/or
  • notwithstanding and in addition to the verification of the Candidate(s) by I-Jobs UG, the Employer(s) shall be obliged and be solely and exclusively responsible to ascertain and determine the appropriateness and genuineness of the Candidate(s); and/or
  • although I-Jobs UG has taken reasonable measures, it shall not, under any circumstances whatsoever, be responsible and/or be liable for any acts and/or omissions, misrepresentations, warranties, statements, character, performance and/or information of any Candidate(s) referred, applied from/through the I-Jobs UG website, and for which the Employer(s) agree to hold and save harmless, I-Jobs UG and indemnify them against all costs, expenses, losses and/or damages (whether foreseeable or not).