Privacy Policy

As you being the users of our website and/or its associated mobile application (collectively, the “Site”), we at I-Jobs UG take your privacy very seriously. We strive to provide you with a safe, secure and a user friendly experience. This privacy policy constitutes an integral part of the terms and conditions of use of the Site. This privacy policy describes the ways in which we, using our reasonable endeavors, collect your personal data (and that of the person or persons for whom you act as legal representative) (the “Personal Data”), for what purpose your Personal Data may be used and how we undertake to protect your Personal Data. This privacy policy applies to any information obtained by us through your use of the Site.

By clicking “subscribe”, “submit”, “log in”, or “submit by e-mail”, as the case may be, or any other such term which results in you sending us your Personal Data, you accept this privacy policy and you consent to such transfers. You may withdraw consent by contacting us at the contact information provided on the contact us page of the Site. Please note that withdrawing consent may result in a reduction in access to the Site and to the specific features of the Site.

This privacy policy is not applicable to any internet websites controlled by third parties that the Site may link to (“Third Party Sites”). We are not responsible for privacy statements of Third Party Sites and have no influence on the content or the privacy practices of Third Party Sites. Any reference in this policy to a party, person, entity or any such vernacular means and includes without limitation to all natural and/or legal persons as the context so permits or requires. We make no warranties or representations of any kind with respect to the merchantability or fitness of the services that we provide and shall not be liable for any loss or damage to you resulting from the use or interrupted use of the Site including, but not limited to, losses resulting from delays, improper or incomplete delivery of information. We do not guarantee any services which are reliant on any third party and you agree not to hold us responsible or liable for any loss or damage resulting from the use or interrupted use of any services from Third Party Sites. You agree that we shall not be liable to you for any breach of your (or any third party accessing through you) privacy occurring over the Internet.

Information We Collect

We collect your Personal Data, either directly or automatically, when you use the Site. We collect your Personal Data directly when you provide your full name, e-mail address, national ID card number, telephone number, physical address, date of birth, past and current work experience, professional qualifications, CV, and other relevant information on the Site. We store your Personal Data in our database when you enter it on the Site, send it to us, or provide it to us in any other form or manner. We also collect your Personal Data automatically by way of use of the Site, the areas of the Site that you visit, and the information about your computer or mobile device including but not limited to your IP address, device ID, physical location, browser and operating system type, referring URLs from your address book contacts, Facebook and/or any other social media websites. This information is necessary for providing personalized and location-based content as well as for analyzing web traffic, troubleshooting problems, preventing fraud, and improving the services that we provide to you. We may combine this information with the Personal Data that you have provided to help prevent fraud, misuse, and/or abuse.

We may collect your Personal Data from publicly-available websites (to the extent legally permitted) and we may use this information to improve your profile.

We may receive a confirmation when you open an email from us if your computer supports this type of program. We will obtain your explicit consent prior to posting your testimonial on the Site.

How We Use Information

We use your Personal Data, to respond to you, operate and improve the Site and foster a positive user experience.

By registering with us and managing your profile, publicly posting information, or opting in when presented with choices, you have consented for us to use your Personal Data in the following ways:

  • to create a profile for you based on the Personal Data that you have provided to us, information collected or imported from other sites or applications, or information provided to us by third parties such as your contacts or advertisers. It is your responsibility to verify and validate any information that we may collect or import from any such third party and we shall have no responsibility and/or liability in this regard;
  • to provide personalized, targeted, or location-based content, services, and advertising from us and third parties;
  • to allow you to import information about yourself or your contacts from other sites or applications or to export (in form including but not limited to exporting of information through resume builder feature on the Site) your information to other sites or applications;
  • to contact you about feature updates, informational and service-related communications, including important security updates;
  • to send you email notifications (in rare cases) such as any technical issues or service related issues that may affect your access to the Site. Option to ‘opt-out’ is generally not available in these kinds of communications;
  • to provide you with additional communications, information, and promotions such as newsletters and career advice;
  • to inform you of other services available from us;
  • to enable you to contact us and for us to respond to you to conduct surveys, promotions and contests, and to publish the results thereof;
  • to help your friends, contacts, and potential employers find your profile and connect with you;
  • to provide your Personal Data and your potential interest in job postings to potential employers;
  • to display targeted messages from employers based on the content of your CV or profile;
  • to provide services that allow employers to complete the recruitment and hiring process;
  • to provide services that enable you to network and post information on bulletin boards,
  • to generate internal reports about the use of our Site;
  • to provide you with reports about the characteristics and trends of the job market including availability of talent;
  • to allow Employer(s) to post jobs;
  • to give search engines access to public information;
  • to detect, investigate and prevent activities that may violate our policies or be illegal; and
  • to make suggestions and draw inferences about you, for example, we may make suggestions about people you may know, additional jobs or services that might be of interest to you.

Some of our products and services, such as our CV and profile database, social media search, and networking, enable third parties to see your Personal Data and to contact you. Profile information may be used for networking with other community members or may be visible to anyone using the Site and/or mobile application.

Information you post in public areas of the Site or mobile application or make visible in the CV and profile database may be accessed, used and stored by others around the world, including those in countries that might not have legislation that guarantees adequate protection of Personal Data as defined by your country of residence. While we take measures to safeguard your information from unauthorized access or inappropriate use, we do not control these third parties and we are not responsible for their use of information you give to us. Accordingly, you should not post sensitive information, personality profiles, photograph or any other information you would not want to be made public, to the Site or application or to a public website.

Our services include the display of personalized products, content, and advertising relating to your career experience and interests online. We use your Personal Data to determine whether you might be interested in the opportunities, products or services of a particular third party.

How We Share Information

We provide you with a platform to broadcast your Personal Data to maximize your career opportunities. We do not share your contact information with third parties for their direct marketing purposes in relation to provision of job and employment, unless you affirmatively agree to such disclosure.

We share your Personal Data with third parties who help deliver our services to you such as hosting our web servers, CV database storage, analyzing data, providing marketing assistance and providing customer service. These companies will have access to your Personal Data as necessary to perform their functions, but they will not use that data for any other purpose. We will remain responsible for any Personal Data shared in this way; provided that we shall not in any way be responsible and/or liable for any misuse, abuse or unauthorized use of the Personal Data by any third person. We may disclose your Personal Data to third parties if you consent to:

  • make your CV searchable or if we collect your Personal Data which you have made available on a public website. All parties having access to our CV or profile database products will have access to your information;
  • if you opt in to receive information about the opportunities, products, or services of third parties, we supply your contact information to those third parties so they may contact you;
  • if you previously chose to receive newsletters, commercial e-mails or other communications from us or third parties, but subsequently change your mind, you may opt out in those emails or by editing your account profile.

By applying to a job, providing your contact information to show interest in a job, or by replying to a message from an employer, you consent to the disclosure of your information to that employer.

We may aggregate your Personal Data regarding job qualifications, schooling, age, experience level or other information relevant to the job search. This aggregated data does not identify users individually, and may be made available to employers or fellow job seekers or community members. If we create a co-branded site with another company/entity, information will be retained by both entities and subject to the privacy policies of both the entities which will be published on the co-branded sites.

We may disclose to third parties information that we have collected from other websites.

We may disclose your Personal Data  if legally required to do so, or at our discretion pursuant to a request from a governmental entity or if we believe in good faith – after considering your privacy interests and other
factors – that such action is necessary to: (a) meet legal requirements or comply with legal process such as in complying with a judicial proceeding, court order or subpoena; (b) protect our rights or property or our affiliates; (c) prevent a crime or protect national security; or (d) protect the personal safety of users of the Site or the public.

An Important Note About Your CV

When you create your profile and post your CV, we store it in our profile database. We cannot control the retention, use or privacy of CVs that have been viewed or downloaded by others.

When you apply for a job online on the Site, your CV will be transferred to the relevant employer, who may retain a copy of your CV or distribute it to third parties.

We attempt to limit access to our CV and profile database to legitimate users, but cannot guarantee that other parties will not gain access to this database. We cannot control the use made of CVs by third parties who access the database. Once your CV has been disclosed, we will not be able to retrieve it from the third parties who have accessed it.

You may remove your CV and profile from our database at any time. If you do not have an account with us, we may require you to provide us with information about yourself so we can locate your profile and delete it. However, anyone who viewed your CV or profile may have kept a copy of it in their own files or databases. Accordingly, you should not put sensitive information, personality profiles, photograph or other information you would not want made public, in your CV or profile.

If you provide us with details of a reference, it is your responsibility to ensure that the person is aware that you have forwarded his/her details and has consented in writing for you to do so.

CVs or profiles you give to us must not contain sensitive data relating to your (i) racial or ethnic origin (ii) political beliefs (iii) philosophical or religious beliefs (iv) membership of a trade union or political party (v) physical or mental health or biometric details or genetic makeup (vi) addictions and sexual life (vii) the commission of criminal offences or proceedings and associated penalties or fines, (viii) the commission of any unlawful or objectionable conduct and associated penalties, (ix) any Social Security Number or national identification number or (x) photographs. If your CV or profile does contain this information, then you agree that it is at your own risk. We cannot control third parties’ access to such information from our database.

How We Store Information

Managing your career is a life-long process and we retain the Personal Data that we gather about you to make repeat use of the Site more efficient, practical and relevant until you decide to change or remove your Personal Data as described below. You may access, review, correct, update, change or delete your profile at any time. Sign in to your account, go to your profile, and make the desired changes. If you do not have an account, please contact us.

Access to or correction, update, or deletion of your Personal Data may be denied or limited by us if it would violate another person’s rights and/or as otherwise permitted by applicable law. If you wish to delete your account information altogether, you may send us a request via contact us. We will send you an email to confirm that your Personal Data has been deleted (save for an archival copy which is not accessible by you or third parties on the Internet). The archival copy is retained only for as long as needed for audit and record purposes. We will also keep logs and information that may relate to your activity on the Site.

If you do not sign in to your account or interact with our services, including continuing to receive emails from us, for a significant period of time, your account will expire and be scheduled for removal from the Site. Expired accounts are deleted on a periodic basis. Our current expiration period is approximately 36 months; we may extend or reduce this period in order to adjust to changing hiring patterns.


You are responsible for keeping your username and password secret.

We take appropriate measures to secure your Personal Data from accidental loss and from unauthorized access, use, alteration or disclosure. However, the Internet is an open system and we cannot guarantee that unauthorized third parties will not be able to defeat those measures or use your Personal Data for improper purposes. You should be aware that your profile may be monitored by your current employer.

You agree, understand and acknowledge that you are solely responsible to keep your password safe and secure and avoid disclosing it to any third person. We shall not be held responsible/liable for any unauthorized disclosure or theft of your username and/or password due to your negligence or omission.


For any person who is under the legal age of 18 years and wishes to register shall be deemed to have obtained the requisite approval/consent from legal parent/guardian and in this regard the said person shall confirm the same by acknowledging at the time of creating his/her profile at the Site.

Cookies and Online Advertising

To help make the Site work effectively, “cookies” are used which store bits of information on your computer. Cookies can’t run any code and don’t contain viruses. No one can read these cookies except us. We use cookies to help personalize and maximize your online experience, for storing your preferences, improving search results, ad selection, and tracking user trends. This information will be used to compile reports about the Site activities and will facilitate provision of additional services in relation to the Site and internet utilization. If you do not wish to receive cookies, you may set your web browser to reject these, if your browser so permits.

We use cookies to improve your experience on the Site. We may use the following types of cookies:

  • Security: These cookies allow us to secure access to your account.
  • Preference: These cookies are used to store your preferences like language choice and display of job search results.
  • Analytics: We track traffic patterns so we can identify popular content and potential problems.
  • Features: We track which jobs you search for, view, and apply to so we can show you more jobs that are similar to those. We also use these cookies to split some users into groups to test new features.
  • We use non-identifiable information about you to show you related links and information.

Some cookies will remain on your computer after you have left the Site. Security cookies will remain for 60 days after your last visit. Poll response cookies will remain for 90 days, and other cookies and site notices may remain for up to two years.

The Site keeps track of your activity via log files stored on our web servers. The log files include information on IP addresses, browser types and versions, pages viewed, and entry and exit paths. Log files assist us in offering a personalized web experience, diagnosing server problems, administering the Site and tailoring information for you.

The Site uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses cookies to help us analyze how you use the Site. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the Site (including your IP address) will be transmitted to and stored by Google on servers around the globe. Google will use this information for the purpose of evaluating your use of the Site, compiling reports on your activity for website operators and providing other services relating to internet usage. Google may also transfer this information to third parties where required to do so by law, or where such third parties process the information on Google's behalf. Google will not associate your IP address with any other data held by Google. By using the Site, you consent to the processing of your Personal Data by Google in the manner and for the purposes set out above.

When we send you emails, we may include a web beacon to allow us to determine the number of people who open our emails and the links on which they click. Web beacons can be refused when delivered via email. If you do not wish to receive web beacons via email, you will need to disable HTML images in your email software.

Use of Material

The contents of the Site such as text, graphics, images, logos, button icons, software and other material are protected under copyright law.  The brands and logos of the advertisers and/or employers are property of their respective companies. You may not use, sell, modify, reproduce, display, publicly perform, distribute or use the material on the Site in any way whatsoever for any public or commercial purpose. The use of the content on any other website or in a networked computer environment for any purpose is prohibited.

Changes to Privacy Policy

If we decide to materially change the substance of this Privacy Policy, we will, where required, contact you via the email address that you have provided in your profile. We may also post those changes through a prominent notice on the Site. You must keep your email and contact details up-to-date and periodically check for any changes or amendments.

By using the Site, you acknowledge that you have read the terms of this privacy policy and that you consent to our use of your Personal Data for the purposes stated above.

Should you have any concerns or requests regarding your Personal Data, please contact us.

European Union – General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”)

For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, you understand, agree and acknowledge that all data and information provided by you shall not attract the EU GDPR in any manner whatsoever as no data is retained within the EEA; however, should the GDPR apply, you agree that we shall NOT be responsible under this Privacy Policy whether as data Controller and/or data Processor.

You agree to indemnify and agree to compensate us for damage incurred by unauthorized or incorrect processing of Personal Data within the framework of the GDPR or other data protection regulations and you release us from any third-party claims pursuant to GDPR.

Last Updated on 16th September, 2018.